Ready to Repair Your Relationship?

Heal old wounds and relationship ruptures, deepen and strengthen your connection, and bring back joy and intimacy.

You find yourself disappointed again after a night of lengthy discussions on how to make things better between you and your partner… 

OR that disappointment hits after another date that felt disconnected and meaningless. 

Whether you have been married for 10 years, dating for 5, or in and out of single-hood, relationships are HARD. Balancing your own needs and the needs of your relationship is a never ending task and can prove difficult to even the most secure and stable couples and individuals. 

A relationship does not need to be on the edge of extinction for it to be painful and complicated. In fact it is more concerning when a relationship is void of complications or pain.

Pain is part of love and in our relationships it is inevitable.

Relationships take work and therapy can help… HERE’S HOW:

  • Exploring and understanding who you are as an individual in relationships so you can create healthy connections

  • Defining intimacy and passion so you can create your version of these in your relationships

  • Healing past wounds so you can move forward in your relationships without the anchors of past heartaches

  • Learning to communicate in a way that both sends and receives love

  • Identifying fears and insecurities that fuel disconnection so you can feel safe and grounded in your relationships


Our Take on Relationships

The therapists at The Path Wellness Center work from the approach that ALL relationships go through periods of disconnection, it is the natural process of being human TOGETHER.

As two humans who have years worth of life lived before becoming partners you bring your past experiences: the joy filled moments, the moments of growth, the moments of deep hurt, and the moments of healing.

Your partner naturally, because you love them + love means vulnerability, will unintentionally bump up against those wounds that you carry. When both you and your partner are intimately familiar with those wounds and triggers, deep healing can occur.

Once you have the space to recognize that this is the dance you do because you are trying to protect yourself from hurt, you can discover what parts of you need more love and care (the child who was neglected or abused, the teenager who desperately wanted to fit in, the young adult who was rejected, the adult who was never good enough, etc).

These wounds and triggers shape the way we both give + receive love. When you better understand your own wounds, you can create space + grace for your partner’s as well.  Together you make space for healing, both your own wounds and the ruptures in your relationship.

Clinical Approach


Among other theoretical models, Terry Real's Relational Life Therapy (RLT) model and Dr. Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) guides our relational work, while we utilize various interventions + research from Gottman Method Couples Therapy as well.

Relational Life Therapy guides both a top-down approach (how you show up in your relationship: behaviors, how you speak to one another, and habits) and a bottom-up approach (learning where your behaviors come from, who taught you how to act or not act the way you do, and how to create new relationships with the parts of our selves that keep us from connecting deeply). 

Emotionally Focused Therapy focuses on correcting emotional experiences between couples and strengthening their bonds of connection. The goals for this style of therapy are: To expand and re-organize key emotional responses and, in the process, the organization of self. To create a positive shift in partners interactional positions and patterns. And to foster the creation of a secure bond between partners.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy utilizes evidence-based, research-backed exercises that serve as a tool box of skills and ways to move through points of disconnections for our couples, these are taught in the therapy room and used at home to continue the learning + strengthening of healthier ways to cope with issues as they arise.

If you are feeling disconnected from your partner that you love deeply, let’s talk about how we can help.

Click below to schedule a FREE 20 minute phone consultation to find out how we can be a part of the support you need.