Premenstrual Disorders (PMD) Training for Health & Wellness Providers
Learning the foundations to support and treat those living with PMDD, PME and other hormonal mood disorders.
For therapists and other health providers who want to know more about working with PMDD + PME:
One of the biggest factors that aids in the mastery of living with a Premenstrual Disorder (PMD) is the support and love that is given to us along our journey. And as we all know intimately, being helpers and healers, support systems and valuable resources make a significant difference in all types of mental and physical health treatments.
Too often I hear about women who have been misdiagnosed and mistreated for something that all along was actually either PMDD or PME. In the beginning of my own journey with PMDD, I struggled greatly to find providers that were even familiar with the diagnosis, let alone who understood and could guide me through the experience. My own encounters, along with the countless (and strikingly similar!) stories I have heard from other women, have inspired me to create a program that offers both training and support to the helpers and healers that so often come in contact with individuals on their journey with PMDD/PME.
As a fellow traveler on this path, I can share with certainty the difference you can make in so many women’s lives just by understanding the deep and profound impact PMDD or PME has on the every day experience.
What you will gain:
Become intimately familiar with the variety of experiences and symptoms of PMDs, what this looks like in the lives of clients, and a greater knowledge of premenstrual disorders to serve all the women you treat.
Gain a better understanding of the intricate cyclical nature of the female reproductive cycle and the ways in which this impacts our overall wellness, mental, physical, emotional and relational health.
Learn how to fully support women living with PMDs through symptom management interventions and skills, resources for medically as well as naturally treating PMDs, and adjusted versions of many of the tools you are already using as a psychotherapist to meet the needs of women with premenstrual and hormonal mood disorders.
Understand how to integrate this work into relational and couples therapy/coaching and create a deeper understanding for both partners by utilizing knowledge of those living with PMDs to engage partners as advocates and supporters instead of rivals. Additionally, learn how to tailor couples work to fit the monthly battles of PMDs that ensue in the relationship.
Have a space to connect and network with other providers who desire to be a beacon of light for these women suffering from PMDs and helpful tools to work together in this shared purpose.
“The greatest gift you can give to those who are suffering is recognition. When a person feels seen, in all of their light and also in the moments when their light is eclipsed by their struggle, it reinforces the knowledge that all parts of their story matter.”
- Kimberly Ciardella
Why is it important to learn about treating PMDs?
Research shows that an estimated 5.5% of women and individuals assigned female at birth worldwide suffer from PMDD; that’s nearly 1 in 20. That’s roughly 8 million individuals (though the reality is that the number is probably much larger) in this country alone that are affected by PMDD.
Research also shows that women (or those assigned female at birth) are 2 times as likely as men (or those assigned male at birth) to suffer from depression, 3 times as likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and 3 times as likely to attempt suicide during their reproductive years.
As helpers and healers, we hold a very special place in the lives of the clients we treat. Sadly, there are very few places that we can go to find an in-depth and inclusive training on what it’s like to live with PMDD or PME, how to begin healing the wounds it creates, and ways to provide the help and support that often acts as a life saving measure for many individuals.
The Nitty Gritty Details:
New Workshop Dates: TBD
Workshop is 4-Hours in duration.
Limited to 10 participants.
Pre-registration is required. To sign up please click the button below.
Location: The Path Wellness Center, 895 Embarcadero Dr., Suite 207, El Dorado Hills, CA.
Cost: $199 per person - discounts for students/trainees and associate MFT/MSWs, inquire here to receive your code before registering!
Coffee and tea will be available.
Participants will receive a take home package with training materials, interventions, client handouts, and resources for use in your practice.
Workshop Facilitated by: Dr. Kimberly Ciardella, PsyD, LMFT, Founder of The Path Wellness Center.
Dr. Kimberly Ciardella, PsyD, LMFT
Hi there. I’m Kimberly. Glad to meet you here.
My focus on providing support and guidance for individuals who live with PMDD/PME comes from my personal lived experiences with the diagnosis. I have lived most of my life with PMDD, and although just only being officially diagnosed with it 7 years ago, I intimately understand the depth of struggle that it creates.
Through my own journey navigating these challenges, years of treating individuals with PMDD, and my feverish pursuit of educating myself on all things PMD related, I have created a method of therapy and coaching that offers deep exploration of self, builds an arsenal of tools against the PMD storm, and allows for space to integrate PMDD/PME into our clients lives that fits their unique experience.
In this workshop, I will show you the tools and skills needed to create a practice that is inclusive to these far reaching disorders. This knowledge will help create an awareness around the PMDD/PME experience so you can confidently guide your clients and provide them with the resources they need.
My hope is that with the proper training and education, we can enlighten those that are coming into contact with these PMD warriors, wherever they are on their journey, and bring the deep compassion and empathy they need along this path.
PMD Workshop FAQs:
Are there any prerequisites or requirements for this group?
The goal of this workshop is to aid in any individuals in the helping and healing professions in order to educate and become more skilled in treating those living with Premenstrual Disorders. This is an informational and skill building workshop and these skills and techniques can be learned by anyone. This workshop is open to anyone who is a provider of services in the helping and healing professions. The only thing needed is an open mind and a desire to learn and grow, along with the desire to help others in the pursuit of their own growth and learning.
What issues can this workshop help me with?
This workshop is designed to educate providers in the realm of premenstrual disorders; what they are, what those who live with them experience, some underlying causes, and hoe to treat and support them from a holistic perspective. You will also gain connections to others in the field who are supporting this population and leave the workshop with knowledge, skills, and tools to treat the clients you are already seeing as this workshop will benefit any provider treating individuals with a female reproductive system!
How is the workshop structured?
This workshop will be held for 2.5 hours with a 10-15 minute break. It is an informational seminar that includes discussion, Q&A, and some experiential exercises. Your facilitator will share knowledge, tools, skills, and suggestions for enhancing your work with those who identify as having a premenstrual disorder as well as any of your clients who are women or who were assigned female at birth (AFAB). Then, there will be a time for some personal reflection and an open forum for individual questions.
Will I get to take home anything?
Yes! We provide our participants with take home handouts, worksheets and other goodies to help you implement these learnings in your own practice.
Do I have to register for this workshop?
Yes, preregistration is required due to high demand and limited space. Please click the button below to register in advance.
Do we need to bring anything?
You are not required to bring anything but we recommend bringing whatever will make you comfortable as it is a 2.5-hour session. Coffee, water and tea, as well as all necessary materials will be provided for you. Pen and paper will be available as well if you should desire to take notes.