Gatherings & Workshops

Sometimes being in the presence of others who know your struggle intimately aids in your ability to have compassion and care for yourself. Here, at The Path, we understand that there is no one way to find the support and healing you need on your journey. While we offer traditional and more individualized support, there are also additional ways we walk with our clients.

Here, you will find the support groups, gatherings, and workshops we offer for clients to connect with others experiencing similar struggles, as we fellow travelers guide you through discussions and experiences to enhance your healing.

Women’s Circle: Finding Your Truth 

On the outside you look like you have your shit together. Others tell you they are impressed with your ability to take care of so much and be so strong in the face of, at times, utter chaos. But inside, you are breaking. Inside you are absolutely lost and feeling void of passion and connection.

As women in our culture we are sent the message that our strongest attribute is being “selfless.” We are defined by it. We are told that to be the best mother, wife, friend, etc., we must embody selflessness. We are taught to relinquish our true nature as humans and are molded into versions of selves that feel unfamiliar and disconnected. We learn that our own survival, and the survival of those we love, depends on our ability to put others first.

It’s time to take back your power dear one. It is time to re-discover who you are and reclaim your one wild and precious life. You deserve more. You always have.

This group was created for women who desire depth and truth, in their relationships and within themselves. Women who feel lost on their path, who desire purpose and passion. This group is for women that are tired of surface level connections and crave a space to be real and share their messy, complicated, and wild truth.

Here you will learn to find and reclaim your identity, undo conditioning that creates self doubt and insecurities, become intimately familiar with parts of your self you have lost, learn how to center your self without the conditioned guilt response, and to liberate your self from that which no longer serves you, all while connecting with fellow travelers on this journey through womanhood.

Interested in attending? Click below to learn more + sign up!

Couples Workshop: Fighting Right 

Are you interested in learning how to use conflict to strengthen your marriage? 

It is so important to talk about fighting right because many of us have received or carried the belief that a healthy and productive relationship is one entirely void of conflict. But sustainable intimacy is a rinse and repeat cycle of harmony and disillusionment. And it is here, in those moments of disconnection where true intimacy is forged. 

Relational living means using conflict as a tool to strengthen trust with our partners. And doing it “right” is crucial so that we don’t inevitably create a lack of constructive repair.

This workshop, influenced by techniques and strategies developed by psychotherapist Terrance Real, will give you and your spouse the roadmap to make sure you are succeeding in your interactions so that you can fully and wholeheartedly show up in your relationships. 

Here you will learn the five losing and winning strategies for living relationally, how to effectively give and respond to feedback, instructions on how to properly utilize time out’s and the implementation of crucial skills for effective communication. 

Learn to make the most of your relationship by embracing perspective, breaking down impact and committing to change so that you can feel more deeply connected with your partner in the future. 

Interested in attending? Click below to learn more and register.

Young Adult’s Group: Let’s Figure This Out Together

Life has become a never-ending series of decisions and questions with a pressure gauge attached to all of them. You’re wrestling with a barrage of decisions, expectations, and the relentless pressure to figure it all out. It feels like you’re constantly falling behind, especially in a world dominated by flawless social media portrayals.

In our culture, young adults are often expected to swiftly carve out their futures, making pivotal life decisions with a sense of urgency and precision. This can lead to feelings of isolation and the impression that everyone else has their life perfectly mapped out, except you.

It's time to challenge that narrative. It’s time to explore who you are beyond societal expectations and reconnect with your true self. You deserve a space to voice your struggles and rediscover your direction without judgment.

Our group is designed for young adults who crave deeper connections and meaningful dialogue about the challenges of this life stage. It's for those who are tired of superficial interactions and yearn for a community where they can be real and embrace their complex, vibrant truths.

Here, you will…engage with peers facing similar challenges, explore your identity and what drives you, learn relevant strategies to manage your unique stress and anxiety, develop tools to build healthy, authentic relationships, and reflect on your personal growth and plan your next steps. No rule book, no lectures, just us figuring out this wild period of life together.

Interested in joining us? Click below to learn more + sign up.

Premenstrual Disorders (PMD) Training for Wellness & Mental Health Providers

One of the biggest factors that aids in the mastery of living with a Premenstrual Disorder (PMD) is the support and love that is given to us along our journey. And as we all know intimately, being helpers and healers, support systems and valuable resources make a significant difference in all types of mental and physical health treatments.

Research shows that an estimated 5.5% of women and individuals assigned female at birth worldwide suffer from PMDD; that’s nearly 1 in 20. That’s roughly 8 million individuals (though the reality is that the number is probably much larger) in this country alone that are affected by PMDD.⁣

As helpers and healers, we hold a very special place in the lives of the clients we treat. Sadly, there are very few places that we can go to find an in-depth and inclusive training on what it’s like to live with PMDD or PME, how to begin healing the wounds it creates, and ways to provide the help and support that often acts as a life saving measure for many individuals.

This training was created as a means to address the need for more awareness and is compiled with the foundations of my own experiences living with PMDD and the many clients I have treated along my journey. Here you will become intimately familiar with the variety of experiences and symptoms of PMDD/PME, what this looks like in the lives of clients, and a greater knowledge of premenstrual disorders to serve all the women you treat.

You will learn how to fully support women living with PMDD/PME through symptom management interventions and skills, resources for medically as well as naturally treating PMDD/PME, and adjusted versions of many of the tools you are already using as a psychotherapist to meet the needs of women with premenstrual and hormonal mood disorders.

Most of all this is a safe space to connect and network with other providers who desire to be a beacon of light for these women suffering from PMDs and helpful tools to work together in this shared purpose.

Our Next Workshop will be held in person on:

Fall 2024, TBD.

Interested in attending? Click below to learn more and register.

Empath Self Care Group 

There are many of you in this world who feel deeply, who care on such a fundamental level, that empathy almost flows as an extension of yourself. But just as there is so much love, connection and depth that exists within you, there are also frequent moments when you feel utterly depleted. 

Empaths or HSP’s often sacrifice at their own expense because it is easy to give so much of yourself without paying attention to how much your cup is being poured into. In these moments of feeling disheartened and overwhelmed, it is crucial to take a step back and lean into self-awareness. To take a breath and reflect on the people in your life and how they are affecting you, what kind of energy you are allowing into your sacred space, and what kind of energetic boundaries you are utilizing to protect your own heart and soul. 

For empaths, the exhaustion that comes from taking on others' energy and emotions can lead to a lack of clarity around how you are actually feeling and your own sense of self. And those with strong intuition, deep caring and high sensitivity, must prioritize time for intentional rest and self-care.

This group and workshop have been specifically designed for those of you who feel depleted from taking on others' energy and emotions, individuals who have been told they are “too sensitive” or warriors on their journey looking to gain more energy and clarity of self.

Here you will learn about the energy centers in the body, how crucial grounding, energetic rooting, discernment, and protection techniques are for cultivating healthy boundaries as well as clearing to cleanse your own personal energy system.

So, take the time to invest in yourself. You deserve the same love you give to everyone else.

Interested in attending? Click Below to Learn More + Register!

PMDD Support Group

Are you overwhelmed by the depression, the irritability and the uncontrollable mood swings that come without fail every single month? Are you struggling with a new or recent diagnosis of PMDD and don’t know where to even start? Are you interested in continuing to build up the tools in your arsenal so that you feel more in control of your PMDD symptoms around your family and loved ones? 

Here, at The Path, we acknowledge how important both women’s reproductive and hormonal health are towards cultivating a balanced mind, body, and spirit. And for those of us with PMDD, it is even more imperative to have the proper tools, support network and guidance to navigate both the up’s and down’s of this cyclical monthly journey.

When PMDD comes, it can leave you feeling broken, utterly disconnected from Self. And when we begin to stray from ourselves, it becomes crucial we have awareness, understanding and supportive others to remind us in the most difficult moments that they are not our forever.

Because it is so easy to be blinded by the chaos of the PMDD storm, we often desperately need other warriors at our side to help carry us through. 

Join us as we get intimately familiar with our cycles, continue to cultivate our relationship with PMDD and reach towards acceptance of its presence in our lives so that we are able to exist in alignment with our most true authentic selves.

Discussion topics will range from cycle identification, symptom tracking and natural remedies, to relational health, treatment options and shared insight on how to best support yourself and others when you are in the depths of PMDD darkness.

Meetings will begin weekly this coming Summer.

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Young Women’s Support Group

Men’s Group

Meditation Group

Burn Out Workshop