Welcome, I’m Natalee, and I am so glad you are here.
My Story…
The feeling of not belonging lived with me from a young age. When I finally reached adulthood, I realized I not only felt disconnected from the world around me, but more importantly, from my own intuition. The influence of external relationships, societal expectations and old narratives brought me to a place where I struggled to not only know myself but to trust myself.
I began to do the hard work of learning to reconnect to my internal voice. I believe we are born with this already instilled but somewhere along the way, people convince us out of our own truth. Reintegrating back into ourselves, learning to trust ourselves, repairs the disconnection we may be experiencing.
Committing to the process of healing past wounds, was terrifying and painful and it was also the place in which I experienced deep growth. It is what makes me unafraid to now sit with others’ who are right smack dab in the middle of the pain. I am here to hold the hope for you when may not be able to hold it yourself.
My Philosophy
Each person is unique, therefore, I approach each client with your needs and desires first and foremost. Therapy may look a little different for each person as well as for the different seasons in your journey.
One thing that remains constant, is the value I place on the therapeutic relationship we build. We have not only learned from the research that this is the most influential part of therapy, my strongest desire is for you to feel you are in a space where you feel heard, seen, and accepted. When we are afforded the ability to do this with another human, I believe this is where deep awareness comes and growth takes place.
Often our early attachment relationships create profound impact on how we show up in the world today. When we explore the varying experiences in our lives beginning at a young age, we are able to make connections to current patterns that we may feel no longer serve us. Through the awareness brought in connecting the past and present, we can explore what life might feel like if we unlearn old ways of being and rebuild into creating a more full life. These ways to healing and growth are influenced by attachment theory and Psychodynamic theory.
What it’s Like to Work with Me
Let's talk about what you may really want to know...what it is like to work with me:
Ensuring that you are welcomed into a safe and affirming space, is the most important focus for me. My intention is to provide you with warmth, compassion, and freedom to show up exactly as you are.
I am a fierce ally to the LGBTQ+ community and I am a trans competent and affirming therapist.
I will not ask you to go places I have not gone myself. Therefore I am a committed client to therapy myself and a seeker of knowledge and depth. I am always finding spaces and trainings to widen and strengthen my capacity to support my clients.
I will never shy away from walking with you through the hardest part’s of your story. I will sit with you in your pain, shame, and suffering.
We will explore past wounds that may be showing up in your life and relationships now. Together, we will uncover the parts that no longer serve you and also work to heal the pain that has left an imprint in your life.
I am not the expert in the room. I believe we hold the answers within and sometimes we need someone outside to come alongside us to peel away the layers that may be blocking us from trusting our internal voice and knowing.
Humor (and a few curse words) will show up often in our sessions. Laughter builds connection and I believe is an important part of healing.
While I have diverse experience supporting other’s through many life challenges, there are areas in this work in which I feel deeply connected to and therefore have focused on expanding my knowledge of these specialities.
Couples Counseling:
When communication feels impossible in our relationships, we are left with a feeling of defeat and disconnection with our partner. You may feel you are stuck in a cycle with your partner, that despite many attempts to resolve, you can’t seem to unlock yourselves from. Through our work together, we will uncover where these patterns originate from, and work to rebuild new ways of loving connection with our partner. Healing is possible.
My work with couples is influenced by training in relational Life Therapy (RLT) , Imago therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).
Teen + Young Adult Counseling:
There are developmental times throughout are our lives that we can be met with many challenges. The time during adolescent and young adulthood, I believe can be one of the hardest. Navigating peer relationships, self-esteem, mental health symptoms, as well as sports and/or academic performance are just a few of the pressures that face. It can feel scary, overwhelming, and isolating to try and manage all of this on your own. It can also have a large impact on the family unit as a whole. Equipping teens as well as young adults with coping skills as well as empowering them to create healthy relationships are some of the ways to support them through uncharted waters.
EMDR + Trauma Therapy:
There are some experiences in our life, whether past or present, that leave a marked imprint within is. When exploring our whole being, trauma, can play a profound impact on our lives as well as our relationships. Trauma is not something that happens to us but rather it is what happens inside of us in response to an event or experience. I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and have witnessed the profound impact it has on people experiencing PTSD and trauma.
Now that we have officially met, here’s all the nitty gritty details:
In 2011, I graduated from Vanguard University with my Bachelor’s of Art’s in Psychology.
In 2011, immediately following graduation, I accepted a position working as an Applied Behavioral Analysis therapist with C.A.R.D. in Southern California.
In 2017, I began working as a Case Manager for survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual violence at The Center for Violence- Free Relationships. Here I provided crisis counseling, case management, and legal advocacy for client’s.
In 2018, through a county grant, I accepted a position at the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Child Advocacy Center (CAC). Building on my passion for mental health access to all people, I was able to act as the mental health liaison for kids and their families coming through the center.
In 2018, I accepted a position as the Sexual Assault Advocate for the District Attorney’s Special Victims Unit. During this time I also began a Masters in Forensic Psychology degree.
In 2020, after recognizing Forensic Psychology was not the right path for me, I switched course and began my Masters of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy at The California School of Professional Psychology in Sacramento, California.
In 2021, I began my traineeship at Hearts and Hands Counseling in Roseville, California. Here I was given the incredible privilege to work with couples, families, children, and individuals from diverse backgrounds.
In 2021, calling upon my desire to help individuals facing current and past trauma, I completed my initial training in EMDR therapy. I continue to utilize this with clients who desire a deeper level of trauma healing that EMDR provides.
In 2022, I completed Level 1 Relational Life Therapy (RLT) to help couples identify the wounds in their relationship and learn to connect with their partners in more meaningful ways.
In August 2022, I received my Master of Arts in Couple and Family Therapy from The California School of Professional Psychology in Sacramento, California.
In November 2022, after receiving my Associate Marriage and Family Therapy license (#135936) , I joined The Path Wellness Center working under Dr. Kimberly Ciardella.
In March 2023, wanting to deepen my knowledge and skills in working with couples, I completed the four day Externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) created by Dr. Sue Johnson.
In December 2024, I completed over 3,000 hours and passed my state exam, to officially become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#152188).