Young Adult Process + Support Group

An 8-week group created to be a space where you can truly be your authentic self, explore your feelings, and connect with others who get what you're going through.

Let’s Figure This Out Together

Life has become a never-ending series of decisions and questions, with a pressure gauge attached to all of them. The heavy weight of expectations, and the constant push to have it all figured out feels overwhelming. Social media amplifies this pressure, with constant streams of snapshots that make it seem like everyone else has their life perfectly together. Then the inner critic comes in to tell you you're falling behind, even when you're truly doing your best.

It’s tough navigating friendships and relationships when you’re still figuring out who you are and what you want. Loneliness can creep in, even when you’re not alone. It’s hard to find people who truly get you, who you can talk to about the real stuff without fear of judgment. You are craving deeper connections, but it's challenging to know where to start.

Alongside these challenges, you may also be carrying the echoes of past experiences that linger in your mind, shaping how you view the world and interact with others. These experiences can make it difficult to trust new people, to open up fully, or to feel completely at ease, even in familiar settings.

This season of life is filled with exploration and uncertainty, but also with immense opportunity for growth and self-understanding. It’s okay not to have all the answers right now. Sometimes just connecting with others who are navigating these same challenges is enough to illuminate your path through them.

Our group is here to support you as you navigate this time in your life. Whether you're dealing with stress and overwhelm, figuring out relationships, or just trying to find your place in the world, this group is a safe space to show up exactly as you need to and be accepted and welcomed.

Connect. Share. Grow.

This group was created to be a space where you can truly be your authentic self, explore your feelings, and connect with others who get what you're going through. Being a young adult today isn’t easy—there's a lot of pressure from all corners of life, whether it's figuring out the next step on your path, managing personal relationships, or just trying to understand where you fit in the world.

We've put together an 8-week group here at The Path Wellness Center where you can meet others who are in the same boat. It's a place to talk, share, and maybe even find some answers together.

Here's What We'll Dive Into Each Week:

Week 1: Introductions and Setting Intentions

Meet the group, share your stories, and set personal goals for what you hope to achieve over the next eight weeks.

Week 2: Dealing with Expectations

Explore how societal, familial, and personal expectations affect us and learn ways to forge your own path without the weight of "shoulds."

Week 3: Managing Stress and Anxiety

Discuss common sources of stress and anxiety in your life and discover strategies for handling them in ways that work for you.

Week 4: Building Self-Esteem and Self-Image

Dive into discussions about self-esteem and body image, and how to cultivate a positive and realistic self-view in the age of social media.

Week 5: Relationships and Boundaries

Learn about establishing healthy boundaries and nurturing supportive relationships that respect both your needs and the needs of others.

Week 6: Discovering Your Identity

Dive into conversations about who you are and who you want to be. Engage in exercises that help you explore your values and aspirations.

Week 7: Mind-Body Connection and Self-Care

Identify self-care routines that work for you, explore the mind-body connection.

Week 8: Reflection and Moving Forward

Reflect on the growth and insights gained, and ways to maintain the connections you’ve built.

Sign up for a consult call below to get started:

“People have two basic needs. Attachment and authenticity. When authenticity threatens attachment… attachment trumps authenticity.”

- Gabor Mate, MD

Why This Group?

It’s simple. This group is about connecting—really connecting—with others who understand what you’re going through because they’re right there too. It’s about growing, learning from each other, and building a supportive network. No rule book, no lectures, just us figuring out this wild period of life together.

What You’ll Gain:

Build lasting friendships based on mutual understanding and shared experiences.

Deeper Connections.

Enhance your self-awareness and discover more about your personal values and how they shape your interactions and relationships.

Insight Into Self.

Learn relevant approaches for managing stress, coping with life’s ups and downs, and improving your emotional well-being.

Tools for Well-Being.

Feel part of a community that supports and encourages each other in a world that can often feel isolating.

A Sense of Belonging.


Feel Like Joining?

Grab a spot and let’s start this conversation. It’s completely okay if you’re not sure about it, or if you’re feeling a bit nervous—it’s part of the journey, and we’re all in this together.

Our group is more than just a place to get support; it's a community where you can be your true self, share your story, and grow alongside others. It's about discovering your people and thriving together in this hectic world.

The Nitty Gritty Details:

  • Next Group Start Date: Tuesday June 18th, 2024 from 4pm-6pm

  • Group is 2-Hours in duration, and meets weekly for 8 weeks.

  • Group participants must be between the ages of 18-23.

  • Limited to 8 participants.

  • This is a closed group, no drop ins.

  • Pre-registration is required.

  • Location: The Path Wellness Center, 895 Embarcadero Dr., Suite 207, El Dorado Hills, CA.

  • Cost: $75 Per Group Session.

  • Scholarships available. Inquire about our sliding scale spaces in the group on your consult call.

  • Participants will receive take home handouts, at home activities to practice, and a journal to enhance your self care routine.

  • Group Facilitated by: Natalee Gaddini-Birdwell, MA, AMFT

Click below to schedule a call and get signed up!

Natalee Gaddini-Birdwell, MA, AMFT

Welcome, I’m Natalee. All of us have so many aspects to who we are. Here’s who I am ...

I am an associate marriage and family therapist, former victim advocate, world traveller, partner to an ex pro athlete, mom of two funny and curious kids, and parent to a therapy dog drop-out named Teddy. I am also a fierce ally, a free-spirit, and a constant learner.

I am deeply passionate about accompanying you as you navigate your journey towards healing. Getting there is not always easy – I know this first hand. But with the steady, motivating support of a therapist, I believe that all of us can and will experience profound healing and growth.

The most important aim for me, as a therapist, is to create an inclusive space where you are welcome exactly as you are. I believe we all deserve to feel truly seen and heard. In our sessions, you will be met with warmth, authenticity, and acceptance.


Other questions? We’ve got answers.

  • The group is open to young adults aged 18-23 who are looking for deeper connections, support in navigating life's challenges, and a community of peers who understand what they're going through.

  • In each session, we’ll explore different topics like building healthy relationships, setting boundaries, coping with stress, and more. You’ll have the chance to share your experiences, listen to others, and participate in activities designed to help you grow and heal.

  • No prior experience is necessary. Whether this is your first time in a support group or you’ve participated in others before, you’re welcome here.

  • Sessions are held at The Path Wellness Center. We’ll provide you with the address and any other details you need once you sign up.

  • After the 8-week program, we offer options for continued support, whether through individual therapy or other group sessions. We’ll help you find the best path forward for your needs.

  • It’s completely normal to feel nervous about joining a new group. We strive to create a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere where you can feel comfortable. Our facilitators are experienced in making sure everyone feels included and supported.

  • You can join the group by scheduling a no cost consultation call by clicking on one of the links above. We’ll provide you with all the details you need to get started.

  • Yes, the group cost is $75 per weekly session and is charged at the completion of each group. We do have some scholarships available for those that may have challenges meeting the costs, please inquire on your consult call and we can assist you if space is available.

  • We understand that not everyone may be in a position to afford the fee for this group, and we do not want that to be a reason people are unable to attend. We provide several scholarships spots at a discounted rate for the group. We have limited availability for these, so please inquire about them during your phone consultation.

  • Just yourself, and an open mind.

  • We understand that young adults often have busy schedules. We try to schedule sessions at times that are convenient for most participants, and we ask for your commitment to attend all 8 sessions to get the most benefit from the group.

  • If you’re looking for a space to connect with others, share your experiences, and grow personally, this group is likely a good fit for you. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns to see if it’s the right match for your needs.